Courses & Degree Requirements
Degree Requirements
Non-Thesis Track (36 credits)
To earn your degree on the 36-credit non-thesis track, you must complete at least 24 credits in graded course work.
- The graded credits will be a combination of core and elective courses. Students must take at least 2 but no more than 4 elective courses, and 3 credits in departmental seminars (CHEM 590C).
- Additionally, students must take 3 courses designated with “RL” (for Research/Laboratory in the course guide) or 9 credits in CHEM 600 research.
Thesis Track (48 credits)
To earn your degree on the 48-credit thesis track, you must complete the requirements above, plus:
- Complete at least 12 credits of graduate research with thesis (CHEM 700B)
- Write a thesis that is approved by your thesis committee
- Successfully defend the thesis before your thesis committee
- Submit the approved thesis to the graduate school
To help you plan your course schedule, check out our Sample Course Plan. If you would like to deviate from the sample, please discuss your plan with your MSACST advisor to ensure that you will be on track to complete your degree on your schedule.
Core Courses
Courses labeled "RL" have been determined to have a research and/or laboratory component in recent years. Note that the research and/or laboratory component of courses are reevaluated each year.
Autumn Quarter
Credits: 3
This course will provide you with an introduction to the theory and practice of modern electrochemistry, with emphasis on instrumentation and applications in chemical analysis. The main elements of this course will include fundamental electrochemistry theories, basic electrochemical methods and current topics in electroanalytical chemistry focusing on state-of-the-art research in the field. This course will help you establish a solid foundation in electrochemistry and electrochemical analysis.
Topics covered include:
- Thermodynamics, structure of the electrode/solution interface and electrical double layer, electrode kinetics and mass transport in an electrochemical cell
- Two popular electrochemical methods: potential step and cyclic voltammetry
- Current electrochemistry topics such as electrochemiluminescence (ECL), ultramicroelectrode (UME), scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM), nanopore-based methods, bipolar electrochemistry, nanoparticle electrochemistry, single-molecule detection and chemically modified electrode
Credits: 3
This course will provide you with practical understanding of the principle and implementation of various spectroscopy techniques, with a focus on laser spectroscopy and quantitative analysis. The types of analytical spectroscopy techniques we'll cover include atomic, UV-vis, fluorescence, FRET/FLIM/FCS, IR, Raman, Fourier-transform spectroscopy, nonlinear optical spectroscopy, ultrafast spectroscopy and more.
Areas of focus include:
- The fundamental principles of spectroscopy, basics of electromagnetic wave, optics, and lasers, principles and applications of quantitative electronic and vibrational spectroscopy techniques, Fourier-transform analysis, correlation analysis and principles of spectroscopic imaging
- Current research topics such as fluorescence anisotropy, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and pump probe spectroscopy
Credits: 3
This course will introduce you to the fundamental aspects of polymer chemistry with a particular focus on polymer synthesis. You'll learn about polymer structure, synthesis, and self-assembly, and the applications of polymers for commodity and specialty materials. We'll cover step-growth versus chain-growth polymerization mechanisms, controlled radical polymerizations, ring-opening polymerizations, metathesis polymerizations, and other polymer-forming reactions. You'll also be introduced to polymer characterization methods that enable the correlation of polymer structure to polymer function.
Credits: 3
This course will show you how to apply data science methods in materials science research. You'll gain skills in data mining, data processing and machine learning with Python. You'll explore these topics through case studies and other methodologies.
Credits: 1
This seminar course is offered in the autumn, winter and spring quarters. The content will be different each quarter.
Winter Quarter
Credits: 3
This course will introduce you to the fundamental theories and designs of various analytical instruments. We'll focus on four major methods of instrumental analysis: optical spectroscopy, chromatography, flow injection analysis and electroanalytical chemistry. You'll also receive extensive laboratory training using these methods.
Credits: 3
This course will cover the fundamental principles, major advances and recent hot topics of chemical separation techniques and separation science. We’ll introduce the fundamental principles of chromatographic and electrophoretic separation theory and processes, and explore how these processes relate to the field of analytical chemistry. Although modern chemical separation techniques are routinely practiced, there continues to be fundamental advances, which are continually integrated into the course.
Topics covered include:
- Fundamental principles of separation science to understand analyte peak broadening, with integration of mass transfer and partitioning dynamics, flow dynamics (hydrodynamics), material science and chemical interactions within distinct phases and at phase boundaries. These fundamental principles form a foundation for discussing practical issues such as analysis time, resolution of chemicals in a complex separation and novel instrumentation design.
- The techniques of liquid chromatography, gas chromatography and supercritical fluid chromatography focus upon the partitioning and separation of neutral analytes. We’ll discuss stationary phase design and separation mechanisms. We’ll also introduce the concept of gradient elution and temperature programming and the principles of flow-through detection, along with the related instrumental issues and constraints.
- Separations of ionic analytes, and separations based upon the physical size of the analytes. The techniques of ion chromatography, capillary electrophoresis, SDS-PAGE, and recent developments in the micro-fabrication of separation systems such as "capillary electrophoresis on a chip" that produce high-speed protein separations.
Credits: 3
In this course, you'll learn how to solve problems in chemistry using various computational techniques. We'll introduce you to molecular quantum chemistry including the Hartree-Fock method and density functional theory. You'll also study numerical implementation using basic programming and scientific computing.
Credits: 1
This seminar course is offered in the autumn, winter and spring quarters. The content will be different each quarter.
Spring Quarter
Credits: 3
This course will provide you with an introduction into the theory and practice of mass spectrometry of organic compounds and biomolecules, including spectra interpretation. It aims to teach you theoretical foundations of modern mass spectrometry and develop skills in spectra interpretation.
Topics covered include:
- Theory and figures of merit of ionization methods (electron impact, chemical ionization, photoionization, electrospray, matrix-assisted laser desorption)
- Ionization and ion thermodynamics (proton affinities, gas-phase basicities and acidities)
- Theory and performance of mass analyzers (time-of-flight, quadrupole filter, quadrupole ion traps, Orbitrap, ion cyclotron resonance)
- Hyphenated methods (gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, tandem mass spectrometry)
- Methods for ion activation and dissociation (collision-induced dissociation, photodissociation, electron-based methods)
- Special topics (resonant multiphoton ionization, quantitative tandem-MS assays, ion imaging)
- Spectra interpretation: The rules and hands-on interpretation of electron-ionization mass spectra of unknown organic compounds and de-novo peptide sequencing
Credits: 3
This course will cover the fundamentals of meso and microfluidics. You'll learn about topics such as laminar flow, surface tension, viscosity, diffusion, partitioning and wetting. We'll discuss droplet-based microfluidics, high-throughput assays, cell-based assays and “organ on a chip” models, among other techniques. You'll explore analytical methods using microfluidics for separation and detection-based assays. You'll be expected to delve into current literature in these topics, and course evaluation will primarily be based on group design projects and a relevant term paper. This course is recommended for students with a strong interest in learning about the latest technologies in fluidics.
Learning goals, outcomes and evaluation include:
- Reasoning through microfluidic problems (taking into account device design, calculations, and potential pitfalls and alternative approaches)
- Critically reviewing journal articles and synthesizing content
- Communicating science through written work (journal article reviews, proposed experimental designs and a term paper published on Wikipedia) and oral presentations
Credits: 3
This course will introduce you to modern instrumental methods of chemical analysis using examples from the analysis of biological molecules in the context of biomedical research and medical diagnostics. Topics include the principles of operation of the major classes of chemical instrumentation, figures-of-merit for evaluating chemical measurements, and how to use data from chemical measurements to inform decisions in research and medicine. Weekly laboratory projects will train you to operate modern instruments that make use of molecular recognition, separations, spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and other principles, as well as the associated sample preparation and data analysis.
By the end of the course, you’ll be able to:
- Describe the principles of operation of the major classes of modern chemical instrumentation
- Use modern chemical instrumentation in practical settings to analyze real samples
- Evaluate the performance of chemical measurement in terms of figures of merit, including limit of detection, linear dynamic range and resolution
- Compare and contrast different measurement approaches for specific analytical situations; and select a measurement approach to guide a decision in the context of biomedical research and medical diagnostics
Credits: 3
This course will introduce you to the challenges and opportunities provided by big data for materials science and chemistry research. You'll gain knowledge and skills in data management using high-performance computing, including automated data processing, batch processing and cloud-based computational tools.
Credits: 3
In this course, we'll provide you with the tools you'll need to use computers to control your experiments and to acquire and analyze data. You'll learn to use LabVIEW programming software in order to successfully carry out computer-controlled experiments in the laboratory. You’ll be able to integrate individual skills and techniques into a complete system for experimental control, data acquisition and analysis.
By the end of the course, you’ll be able to:
- Use the transfer function model to understand the basis of data acquisition. This model is closely based on Fourier transform methods.
- Write code in LabVIEW, using the task model to set up the steps in the data acquisition, and come away with an understanding of how to properly, and improperly, synchronize data acquisition.
- Write code in LabVIEW to acquire data and analyze the data, compare their results with theoretical models for the data and extract model parameters.
- As a final project, design in LabVIEW a data acquisition and analysis system on your own. You’ll be measured by the quality of your code, and the answers to the following questions. Does it work? Does it work correctly? Does it properly compare results and theory, or model?
Credits: 1
This seminar course is offered in the autumn, winter and spring quarters. The content will be different each quarter.
Elective Courses
Visit the College of Arts & Sciences Chemistry Course Description page for more details on the elective course offerings listed by quarter below. The degree requirement for elective courses can also be fulfilled by completing additional core courses from the list above.
Elective Course Offerings
- CHEM 508: Advanced Inorganic Chemistry (3 credits, RL)
- CHEM 516: Transition Metals (3 credits)
- CHEM 530: Advanced Physical Organic Chemistry (3 credits, RL)
- CHEM 550: Introduction to Quantum Chemistry (3 credits)
- CHEM 554: Introduction to Biomolecular Spectroscopy (3 credits, RL)
- CHEM 566: Energy Materials, Devices, and Systems (3 credits, RL)
- CHEM 584: Electronic and Optoelectronic Polymers (3 credits, RL)
- CHEM 517: Organometallics (3 credits, RL)
- CHEM 531: Advanced Synthetic Organic Chemistry (3 credits, RL)
- CHEM 536: Chemical Biology (3 credits, RL)
- CHEM 551: Introduction to Quantum Chemistry (3 credits)
- CHEM 566: Energy Materials, Devices, and Systems (3 credits, RL)
- CHEM 585: Electronic Structure and Application of Materials (3 credits, RL)
- CHEM 532: Advanced Bio-Organic Chemistry (3 credits, RL)
- CHEM 552: Statistical Mechanics (3 credits)
- CHEM 564: Organic Electronic and Photonic Materials/Polymers (3 credits, RL)
- CHEM 586: Electronic Dynamics in Organic and Inorganic Materials (3 credits)
- CHEM 587: Nanomaterials Chemistry and Engineering (3 credits, RL)
The following seminar course is offered in the autumn, winter and spring quarters. The content will be different each quarter.
- CHEM 590C: Seminar in General Chemistry (1 credit/quarter)
Independent Research
All students are required to complete 9 credits of the following. Although the number of credits in a given quarter is not fixed, most students will complete 3 credits each during autumn, winter and spring quarters.
- CHEM 600B: Graduate Research (9 credits)
In order to complete the thesis track, students must also complete 12 credits of CHEM 700B.
- CHEM 700: Graduate Research with Thesis